Concave Sphere. Draw by openFrameworks

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ofIcoSphereからofIcoSphere.getMesh()取得したメッシュにofMesh.setVertex(index, vertex)で各頂点を上書きして形を変形させる。

ofMesh.setVertex(index, vertex) is used to overwrite each vertex on the mesh obtained from ofIcoSphere.getMesh() to deform the shape.

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Matrix style. Draw by openFrameworks

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To handle half-width katakana, you need to add ofUnicode::KatakanaHalfAndFullwidthForms to ofTrueTypeFont’s ofAlphabet::Japanese to indicate the half-width katakana range.
Also, if you want to add characters such as pictograms, you need to compare them with the Unicode character code and add them to be able to use them.

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Random walk of Hiragana in the box. Draw by openFrameworks

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ofRotate(sin(param) * 30)とすると、扇状に回転する動きになります。

Changes to a 3D random walk.
ofRotate(sin(param) * 30) will result in a fan-shaped rotating motion.

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[ Kinako ]