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Torus with gaps and random walks you can peek through.
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#pragma once #include "ofMain.h" class ofApp : public ofBaseApp { public: void setup(); void update(); void draw(); void keyPressed(int key) {}; void keyReleased(int key) {}; void mouseMoved(int x, int y) {}; void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button) {}; void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button) {}; void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button) {}; void windowResized(int w, int h) {}; void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo) {}; void gotMessage(ofMessage msg) {}; glm::vec3 make_point(float R, float r, float u, float v); ofEasyCam cam; ofMesh face, line, sphere_list; }; |
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#include "ofApp.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup() { ofSetFrameRate(30); ofSetWindowTitle("openFrameworks"); ofBackground(255); ofEnableDepthTest(); this->line.setMode(ofPrimitiveMode::OF_PRIMITIVE_LINES); this->sphere_list.setMode(ofPrimitiveMode::OF_PRIMITIVE_LINES); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update() { this->face.clear(); this->line.clear(); float phi_deg_step = 1.5; float theta_deg_step = 6; float R = 250; float r = R * 0.25; for (float phi_deg = 0; phi_deg < 360; phi_deg += phi_deg_step) { for (float theta_deg = 0; theta_deg < 360; theta_deg += theta_deg_step) { auto noise_value = ofNoise(glm::vec4(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg, phi_deg) * 0.05, ofGetFrameNum() * 0.02)); if (noise_value < 0.475) { continue; } auto noise_1 = ofNoise(glm::vec4(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg - theta_deg_step, phi_deg) * 0.05, ofGetFrameNum() * 0.02)); auto noise_2 = ofNoise(glm::vec4(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg, phi_deg + phi_deg_step) * 0.05, ofGetFrameNum() * 0.02)); auto noise_3 = ofNoise(glm::vec4(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg, phi_deg - phi_deg_step) * 0.05, ofGetFrameNum() * 0.02)); auto noise_4 = ofNoise(glm::vec4(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg + theta_deg_step, phi_deg) * 0.05, ofGetFrameNum() * 0.02)); auto index = this->face.getNumVertices(); vector<glm::vec3> vertices; vertices.push_back(glm::vec3(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg - theta_deg_step * 0.5, phi_deg - phi_deg_step * 0.5))); vertices.push_back(glm::vec3(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg + theta_deg_step * 0.5, phi_deg - phi_deg_step * 0.5))); vertices.push_back(glm::vec3(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg - theta_deg_step * 0.5, phi_deg + phi_deg_step * 0.5))); vertices.push_back(glm::vec3(this->make_point(R, r, theta_deg + theta_deg_step * 0.5, phi_deg + phi_deg_step * 0.5))); this->face.addVertices(vertices); this->face.addIndex(index + 0); this->face.addIndex(index + 1); this->face.addIndex(index + 3); this->face.addIndex(index + 0); this->face.addIndex(index + 3); this->face.addIndex(index + 2); if (noise_1 < 0.475) { this->line.addVertex(vertices[0]); this->line.addVertex(vertices[2]); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 1); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 2); } if (noise_2 < 0.475) { this->line.addVertex(vertices[2]); this->line.addVertex(vertices[3]); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 1); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 2); } if (noise_3 < 0.475) { this->line.addVertex(vertices[0]); this->line.addVertex(vertices[1]); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 1); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 2); } if (noise_4 < 0.475) { this->line.addVertex(vertices[1]); this->line.addVertex(vertices[3]); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 1); this->line.addIndex(this->line.getNumVertices() - 2); } } } ofSeedRandom(39); this->sphere_list.clear(); vector<ofColor> base_color_list; ofColor color; vector<int> hex_list = { 0xef476f, 0xffd166, 0x06d6a0, 0x118ab2, 0x073b4c }; for (auto hex : hex_list) { color.setHex(hex); base_color_list.push_back(color); } int color_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { auto u_speed = ofRandom(2, 3); auto v_speed = ofRandom(2, 3); auto sphere_u = ofRandom(360) + ofGetFrameNum() * u_speed; auto sphere_v = ofRandom(360) + ofGetFrameNum() * v_speed; int sphere_r = ofRandom(5, r * 0.9); this->sphere_list.addVertex(this->make_point(R, sphere_r, sphere_u, sphere_v)); this->sphere_list.addColor(base_color_list[color_index]); color_index = (color_index + 1) % base_color_list.size(); } for (int i = 0; i < this->sphere_list.getNumVertices(); i++) { for (int k = i + 1; k < this->sphere_list.getNumVertices(); k++) { if (glm::distance(this->sphere_list.getVertex(i), this->sphere_list.getVertex(k)) < r * 0.6) { this->sphere_list.addIndex(i); this->sphere_list.addIndex(k); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::draw() { this->cam.begin(); ofSetLineWidth(3); ofSetColor(0); this->line.draw(); ofSetColor(255); this->face.draw(); ofSetLineWidth(1); this->sphere_list.drawWireframe(); for (int i = 0; i < this->sphere_list.getNumVertices(); i++) { ofSetColor(this->sphere_list.getColor(i)); ofDrawSphere(this->sphere_list.getVertex(i), 5); } this->cam.end(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- glm::vec3 ofApp::make_point(float R, float r, float u, float v) { // 数学デッサン教室 描いて楽しむ数学たち P.31 u *= DEG_TO_RAD; v *= DEG_TO_RAD; auto x = (R + r * cos(u)) * cos(v); auto y = (R + r * cos(u)) * sin(v); auto z = r * sin(u); return glm::vec3(x, y, z); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- int main() { ofSetupOpenGL(720, 720, OF_WINDOW); ofRunApp(new ofApp()); } |